dinsdag 25 juni 2013

E-mailberichten? Die komen op mijn geheime adres

Gisteren Canadese e-mailberichten die stelselmatig vernietigd werden, vandaag e-mails die stelselmatig naar "geheime" adressen gestuurd worden. AP berichtte begin deze maand:
Some of President Barack Obama's political appointees are using secret government email accounts to conduct official business, The Associated Press found, a practice that complicates agencies' legal responsibilities to find and turn over emails under public records requests and congressional inquiries.
White House spokesman Jay Carney on Tuesday acknowledged the practice and said it made eminent sense for Cabinet secretaries and other high-profile officials to have what he called alternative email accounts that wouldn't fill with unwanted messages. Carney said all their email accounts, public and otherwise, were subject to congressional oversight and requests by citizens under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act.
Say what? Een geheim e-mailadres, omdat het andere vol loopt met ongewenste berichten? En een nog geheimer e-mailadres voor de echt, 100% gewenste berichten, of hoe moet ik dat zien?
Voor de duidelijkheid, het gaat hier niet om privé-adressen die "zakelijk" gebruikt wordt, maar om dubbele (of driedubbele?) zakelijke adressen:
The practice is separate from officials who use personal, nongovernment email accounts for work, which generally is discouraged due to laws requiring that most federal records be preserved.
Having separate accounts could put an agency in a difficult spot when it is compelled to search for and release emails as part of congressional or internal investigations, civil lawsuits and public records requests. That's because employees assigned to compile such responses would necessarily need to know about the accounts to search them. Secret accounts also drive perceptions that government officials try to hide actions or decisions.
"What happens when that person doesn't work there anymore? He leaves and someone makes a request (to review emails) in two years," said Kel McClanahan, executive director of National Security Counselors, an open government group. "Who's going to know to search the other accounts? You would hope that agencies doing this would keep a list of aliases in a desk drawer, but you know that isn't happening."
Nog mooier is dat AP op grond van de Freedom of Information Act (FOIA, de Amerikaanse WOB) om een overzicht van die geheime e-mailadressen heeft gevraagd. Om voor de hand liggende redenen kreeg het persbureau die niet. Wat heb je aan geheime adressen als je ze daarna gewoon openbaar maakt?
Overigens was het ministerie van Arbeid  niet zo principieel, als er iets meer dan 1 miljoen dollar betaald werd, viel er wel iets te regelen:
It said it needed to pull 2,236 computer backup tapes from its archives and pay 50 people to pore over old records. Those costs included three weeks to identify tapes and ship them to a vendor, and pay each person $2,500 for nearly a month's work. But under the department's own FOIA rules — which it cited in its letter to the AP — it is prohibited from charging news organizations any costs except for photocopies after the first 100 pages. The department said it would take 14 weeks to find the emails if the AP had paid the money.
Naderhand zei het ministerie trouwens dat die rekening van 1 miljoen onjuist was en werden een stel "geheime" adressen toch openbaar gemaakt.

Ik vind het maar een wonderlijk verhaal...

Nog maar eens over e-mail en archief (en de Wob)
Wob en privé e-mailboxen
E-mailberichten? Die gooi ik altijd weg

Plaatje: affiche van het Best Kept Secret-festival

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