your personal Wayback Machine!De herkomst en duurzaamheid van de dienst is een beetje duister. Ene Denis Petrov uit Praag heeft de site geregistreerd en in de FAQ staat:
It takes a "snapshot" of a webpage that will always be online even if the original page disappears.
This can be useful if you want to take a "snapshot" of a page which could change soon: price list, job offer, real estate listing, drunk blog post, ...
It saves a text and a graphical copy of the page for better accuracy.
What software do you run and how data is stored?Maar voorlopig vind ik het een mooie website.
The archive runs Apache Hadoop and Apache Accumulo. All data is stored on HDFS, textual content is duplicated 3 times among servers in different datacenters and images are duplicated 2 times. All datacenters are in Europe.
How long the page will be stored?
Virtually forever. We have a lot of free space and alhough the archive grows with time, the storage and bandwidth get cheaper.
How is the archive funded?
It is privately funded; there are no complex finances behind it. It may look more or less reliable compared to startup-style funding or a university project, depending on which risks are taken into account. My death can cause interruption of service, but something like new market conditions or changing head of a department cannot.
(En ik zal vandaag geen boze dingen zeggen over het stukje over het opslaan van overheidswebsites in dit artikel in iBestuur.)
Eisen webarchivering van de VNG
Parkeertarieven op de website
Wayback in de rechtszaal
Ha gelukkig :-)