Op de onderste foto is een "street ghost" te zien, gemaakt door Paolo Cirio:
In the hippest areas for Street Art, life-sized pictures of people found on Google’s Street View are printed and posted without authorization at the same spot where they were taken.Intrigerend project, waarmee Cirio protesteert tegen de inbreuk van Google in onze fysieke wereld en levens:
This ready-made artwork simply takes the information amassed by Google as material to be used for art, despite its copyrighted status and private source.Hieronder nog wat voorbeelden uit de Picasa(!)-collectie van Cirio, die inderdaad onheilspellend aandoet.
As the publicly accessible pictures are of individuals taken without their permission, I reversed the act: I took the pictures of individuals without Google’s permission and posted them on public walls. In doing so, I highlight the viability of this sort of medium as an artistic material ready to comment and shake our society.
The collections of data that Google and similar corporations have become the material of everyday life, yet their source is the personal information of private individuals. By remixing and reusing this material, I artistically explore the boundaries of ownership and exposure of this publicly displayed, privately-held information about our personal lives.
Gelezen: S. Vaidhyanathan - The Googlization of Everything (and why we should worry)Streetview in België en DuitslandVrouw klaagt Google aan om haar ondergoed
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