dinsdag 25 oktober 2011

Ondertussen in Toledo... #CITRA2011

Deze week vindt in Toledo de International Conference of the Round Table on Archives (CITRA 2011) plaats. De Flying Reporters van de ICA brengen hier live verslag uit. Hoewel ik me er van bewust ben dat het verslag gekleurd is door de auteur, is het wel apart om te zien wat de Algemene Rijksarchivaris in het buitenland vertelt over de Nederlandse situatie:
The first speaker, Martin Berendse (National Archivist of the Netherlands as well as President of the ICA), spoke about the recent development in this area in the Netherlands. He stressed for instance on the fact how important it is to conduct the appraisal early in the record creating process. “Appraisal policy is vital.” The Netherlands are working towards a system with retention schedules (“information register”). The situation has traditionally been that the National Archives haven´t been able to play any significant role in the Records Management at the authorities at all. This is about to change, and Mr Berendse pointed out how important it is for the Archives to enter the process at an early stage. The National Archives are more and more about to supply the authorities with archival competence. The archival profession has to get more modernized, in order to adapt it to the demands of the digital era. The skills of the archivist are increasingly being realized by the authorities: “The archivist is more trusted in a digital era, than in a paper era.”
Behalve het feit dat we volgens mij al jaren met "retention schedules" werken - maar dit wijt ik maar aan de auteur - verbaast vooral de laatste zin me...

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Hij zal de situatie in Den Haag wel bedoelen of zoiets. En nou hophop terug naar je inventarisatiewerkzaamheden jij! ;-)
