zondag 6 februari 2011

Personal Data Ecosystem

Via Edwin en daarna Read Write Web kwam ik terecht op http://personaldataecosystem.org/:
In today’s world, using digital devices, we generate data. Much of it is collected and stored. To make the personal data ecosystem a reality we need to figure out how to collect the information from devices and store it in our own personal data stores. So far figuring this out has just been an idea – we are going to gather a community to solve this technical challenge that is key to people being able to aggregate their own information.
We also have the challenge that when we use a third party identity provider like Facebook, or any OpenID provider, to login to a site, our credentials are then linked to that account AND those third party services are also providing data. The challenge is: what happens to accounts based on third party services that go out of business or terminate a user’s account?

The vision for the Personal Data Ecosystem is that end users have the freedom to move their data between service providers – personal data store hosts. Just like people today have the freedom to move their money between banks.
Kan interessant zijn, al is het mij nog te technisch geloof ik.

Geef je privacy op, red de wereld

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Hou Qiy in de gaten zou ik adviseren als je benieuwd bent wat er gaat komen op dit gebied :) Zelf ben ik ook bezig om slimme applicaties te ontwikkelen die allereerst jouw data weer terug geven aan jou; een decentrale vorm geven in de alsmaar groter wordende centralisatie door derden.

  2. Dank je Sebastix. Jij gaat ook hier over toch?
    Ik zal Qiy in de gaten houden, ik heb er eerder al even naar gekeken

  3. Dat klopt, dat is mijn eindexamenwerk die ik in hele kleine stapjes aan het realiseren ben (oa in samenwerking met Qiy).
