Obi-Wan Kenobi discovers a fault in the Archive's records. |
The Jedi Archives was a fathomless collection of ancient knowledge and research dating back thousands of standard years. Overseen by the Council of First Knowledge, the Archives served as a repository for journals and artifacts. Located in the First Knowledge quarter of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, the Archives was open at all hours and were accessible to all Jedi in need of information. While Jedi were welcome to scan or copy most any data in the Stacks, removal of any material from the Archives was strictly prohibited. Remote access to the databases was near impossible, with eradicators built into the Temple's outer walls and firewalls in the database mainframes.De artifacts die in de Archives bewaard worden zijn, volgens de Wookiepedia:
(...)priceless light side items, ancient in their creation but invaluable to Jedi for their potency and unique interaction with the light side of the Force. Jedi artifacts included Jedi holocrons, ancient Jedi lightsabers, Jedi Credits, Jedi scrolls or books, and even ancient Jedi robes, to name a few.
Lees vooral ook de humoristische 'recensie' van Andy Priestner, "head librarian at Cambridge University's business school."
Overigens, die Wookiepedia is ook fascinerend: volledig bestaand uit 'wisdom of the crowd'. Je zou soms vergeten dat het allemaal maar fictie is waar het over gaat!
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Doet me denken aan de Klingon Encyclopedia, helemaal (174 artikelen) geschreven in het taaltje van dit bekende ras uit Star Trek. RP blijft een popi hobby! In allerlei facetten.