woensdag 23 oktober 2013

Verlaat opnieuw de gevangenis zonder te betalen

Vorig jaar schreef ik ook al over veroordeelden die met behulp van vervalste papieren de gevangenis uitliepen. Tot mijn verbazing gebeurde het afgelopen maand weer:
In September 1998, Jenkins killed Roscoe Pugh Jr. during a home-invasion robbery attempt.
Six months later, Cedric Slater was gunned down on an Orlando street corner -- shot dead, a jury determined, by Walker.
Both killers were convicted and sentenced to life behind bars without the possibility of parole within two years of their crime. While it's not known whether they knew each other, they were at the same prison in North Carrabelle in Florida's Panhandle.
Jenkins left there on September 27, and Walker left on October 8, according to authorities. They had motions indicating the sentences had been reduced as well as court orders granting the request. Investigators later discovered these documents were forged.
The legal-looking documents contained bogus reproductions of several key players' signatures, including those of the Orlando-area State Attorney Jeffrey Ashton or the assistant state attorney and Judge Belvin Perry. They bore the seal of the Orange County clerk of court's office.
Opmerkelijk hierbij is de verklaring die rechter Perry aan CNN geeft voor het gebruik van zijn handtekening:
Perry told CNN his signature is easy to find online on documents related to the high-profile trial of Casey Anthony. Anthony was acquitted in the death of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee.
Dat is dus een van de redenen waarom het CPB hier zegt dat documenten waar handtekeningen opstaan, niet online gezet mogen worden.

Volgens CNN is hier trouwens sprake van een "cottage industry", die al minstens een andere ontsnapping en verschillende andere pogingen daartoe tot gevolg had.
"We know today of five other instances" in which Florida convicts used forged documents in an attempt to shave some time off their sentences, said Jerry Bailey, commissioner of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. State officials have been investigating the issue for about a year and had warned prosecutors about the schemes over the summer, he said.
"We have a confidential source that has advised us that there was a cottage industry, if you will," Bailey said. "An individual was able to construct these documents for $8,000."
Ondertussen zijn de twee ontsnapte moordenaars weer opgepakt en heeft rechter Perry verordonneerd dat de gevangenissen iedere keer contact met zijn kantoor op moeten nemen als iemand op basis van een door hem getekend document vrijuit mag gaan.

Verlaat de gevangenis zonder betalen

Plaatje: Get out of jail free van Dave Schumaker

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